Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Black Woman Publisher

Alright, ladies, gather 'round! Today, we're pulling back the curtain on the world of Black women in publishing. Wanna know what it's like to be the gatekeeper of stories, the weaver of dreams, the queen of the printed word? Buckle up, because I'm about to take you inside the whirlwind that is my day as a Black woman publisher.

6:00 AM: Hygiene is the first thing I do after waking up — drink a glass of water, brush my teeth, shower, and then take my vitamins and omeprozole. (Acid reflux is no joke.) Next, I wipe down my work station and tidy up my home so that I can get my workday started.

7:00 AM: Coffee first, always. Gotta fuel the fire before diving into the manuscript monsoon. Today, I'm tackling a debut nonfiction book by a young Black man from New York. His voice is electric, raw, and honest – a story that needs to be told.

10:00 AM: Editorial meeting. We review project scopes and deadlines, debate our most impactful philanthropic initiatives, and argue (lovingly, of course) about whether anthologies are just as important as individual works. It's a symphony of diverse voices, each with their own unique perspective on the stories we choose to champion.

11:00 AM: Marketing madness. Social media posts, press releases, brainstorming book launches – it's a constant hustle to get our authors' voices heard above the noise. And let me tell you, Black women authors deserve the biggest megaphone in the world.

1:00 PM: Lunch break FaceTime with my mom and little sister. Nothing is more grounding than laughing and joking around with the women who inspire me to excel. (I love you mama!)

3:00 PM: Finance meeting. We discuss our quarterly goals, milestones, and go over the weekly expenses. I don’t enjoy math (at all) but if we’re going to be creating opportunities for Black women and girls, we have to sweat the hard stuff.

5:00 PM: Mentor call. I chat with a seasoned author and publisher about her next project. Her wisdom and resilience inspire me. It's a reminder that even in the face of adversity, Black women writers keep creating, keep pushing boundaries, keep building a literary legacy.

7:00 PM: Finally, a moment to breathe. I curl up with a book by a Black author, letting their words wash over me. It's a reminder of why I do this, why I fight for every word, every comma, every story.

8:30 PM: Lights out, but the ideas keep swirling. I dream of book covers and bestselling lists, of awards ceremonies and young girls seeing themselves reflected in the pages of our books.


This, my sisters, is just a glimpse into the world of a Black woman publisher. It's a demanding, exhilarating, and deeply rewarding journey. We are the bridge builders, the cheerleaders, the warriors for diverse voices. We are the ones who make sure the stories of our communities find their way to the world, one powerful page at a time.

So, next time you pick up a book by a Black author, remember the women like me behind the scenes. We are the invisible hands shaping the literary landscape, the voices whispering "yes" to the stories that matter. And we won't stop until every bookshelf overflows with the magic of Black women's words.

Now, go forth and write your own story, Queens. The world needs your voice. And we, your Black women publishers, will be here to welcome you with open arms and a whole lot of ink.

Sovereign Noir

We are a firm deeply committed to teaching and assisting writers in professionally self-publishing.

A Comparative Analysis of Black Women's Narratives: From Canonized Voices to Self-Authored Pages


The Sociocultural Impact of Black Women Authors on Contemporary Literature: Reshaping Narratives, Reimagining Futures